Nathan Betzen

Silicondust Inc. / Community Liaison

Nathan was a board member and President of the XBMC/Kodi Foundation from 2012 to 2018. He joined Team XBMC in 2009 and has been an active contributor, originally as a forum moderator and then a project manager and administrator ever since. Nathan has spoken at the Open Source Leadership Summit, the Southern California Linux Expo, the Software Freedom Legal Law Center Annual conference at Columbia Law, and SWANTANTRA 2017, an international open source conference in Thiruvananthapuram, India. Nathan currently works as the Liaison for Silicondust, helping to develop the HDHomeRun, a networked tv tuner and DVR service.

How Open Source Rules Entertainment Media
This is a broad look at how open source has shaped media creation, distribution, and consumption, along with a look into and a warning about the future.
Contact Info
Twitter: @natedrives